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I like yours better :)

Which means i'm gonna have to make my version even better. Challenge accepted, buddeh.

Indigorain responds:

Thanks bro, that really cheers me up! :D
But I don't have your awesome guitar leads! They're just too damn awesome! :D:D

Way to up the bar! Sheesh!

I think you should explore more into that 8-bit fusion. It's definitely something fresh, and you handled it amazingly.

My only complaint would be that the main bass synth sounded a bit muffled. Other than that I loved all the unique fills. Also if it was me, i'd have had a filtered segment similar to the outro somewhere in the middle to break up the song a bit.

Kudos buddeh :D

Indigorain responds:

Whoop whoop!

I still do feel a little restricted when mixing the styles, I could indeed use a little bit less carefulness about that.
I feel you on that bass, but (of course) it was a huge pain in the ass to master. I'll try to pay extra attention to it next time!
And mentioning the filter, I actually realise that I don't use filtering for that very much, I think I'll experiment with it a little more.

Anyway, thanks a whole lot for the kind words, it really means a lot after you've been away for a while. Muchos gracias! :D


Fucking ace. Honestly, I can't think of anyone who composes chiptunes like you. I can't wrap my mind around why your songs don't get thousands upon thousands of hits.

In short, I love you, you beautiful, beautiful person. Now go get famous.

midimachine responds:

i'll do my best, sir!

Me gusta.javascript:submission_controller.GetRevie

I think it could do without the gated pads though, I'm all for genre fusion, but it just seems kind of out of place to me :)

However they did sorta work in the intro, Maybe tremove the gate after a while and see how that works?

Loving it though! Keep it up! Always awesome to see creative approaches on genres.

YakovlevArt responds:

Yeah I will mess around with the gate, because i do like the way it sounds as it builds (cutoff)
Maybe, I'll replace it with something else like a wobble, or try distorting it a bit more =]

Thanks for the review dood!

I love you.

Why aren't you famous yet.

On a side note those bitcrusher sweeps (at least i'm assuming that's what they are) are delicious. Great idea!

TheBiocide responds:

You sir, flatter the fuck out of me. Hahaha, thanks dude, and I'm not sure which sweeps you're talking about exactly. I'm guessing you mean the ones before the drops, and you're close, it's a reverbed synth I made with Massive ;)


*Dramatic turn* Oh. Didn't see you there. I'm glad you came. Look away. Now back to me, Now to your song, Now Back to me. Sadly, it isn't m..

OK. Well I dunno where I was going with that, but review time:

I think i'm the only person left who hasn't jumped on the complextro/electro house boat. And I like your take on it. Really bouncey and fun =P. The main "yeah" bass sounds like daft punk to me, and the swing feel gives it character. I love triplet feels in songs :D

On a side note, I LOVE those triplet upward sweep/arps at :31ish. They're just so damn catchy. So.. Damn.. Catchy...

Chord at 1:13 sounded a bit off. Happens again at 1:28. And 1:43. I know that's your actual chord progression, it just sounds weird to my ear =P

Loving the sort of Jam-out at 2:16. Could use a little bit more subtle change from the main melodies though to introduce something new. I love the feel of this track, my only complaint is that it gets a tad repetitive.

ALSO you may want to cut your outro in half. 60 seconds is kinda long =P

But i'm really digging for things to critique. I wub it. AND I'd say it's more electro-house than complextro. It's a bit too structed and consistent for it complextro. I'm no expert on the genre though :P

Indigorain responds:

WOOT, thanks man! :D
Hmm, let's see, the off bass, was 'cause it was a slide bass from the 7 to the 8, it sounds pretty normal to me :P
Damnit, tried to make it as 'not repetitive' as possible by giving it a 'short' intro :P
Guess I'll keep that in mind for future projects!
Thanks a lot for the kind words and the review man! <3

- Lol, I only just realised that you meant the outro, and not the intro xD
Yeah, you're right about that, I'll be sure to keep it in mind :D

You know...

Thanks :)
With all the pounding over-produced dubstep, electro, and trance flooding the audio portal (i myself am a culprit :P) it's nice to hear a chill guitar medley once in a while. Something you can listen to on a rainy day.

On a side note i'm a sucker for piano. If you've listened to any of my songs I use one in everything :D

In short; Love it. Simple, catchy, and speaks volumes. Right up my alley :)

Decibel responds:

Yeah :) I make the pounding over produced dubstep and electro too :P

Glad you like it dude :)


d00d you rock the synth solos too. I loves me some stutters.

I really don't have much to say. The production is awesome, melodies are catchy and plentiful, and it's got alot of breaks :) The song's structure actually kinda reminds me of my song Only Sometimes. We should collab sometime, we'd make something amazing :P

P.S. LOL epic chords at the end. Made me think of Dragon Ball Z or something.

P.P.S. I actually did notice some out of key sounding notes in the solo at 1:00ish I think that's mainly because the bassline was so suppressed. Maybe you could at a mid-bass layered over the sub bass to bring out the chord progression more? Only critique i've got :)

Indigorain responds:

Hmm, some good critique on the basses. Yes, EQ'ing is still my major problem, especially with the lower frequencies, it's really hard for me to have several low frequencies and EQ it to make it sound good again, gotta practice with mids and subs sometime.
By the way, the 'offnotes' in the solo's are mostily tritones and major seventh tones, just giving it a little extra something, making the solo more crazy :D
I'd love to collab sometime, would be great! It would take very long though, because I'm starting music school this monday and I gotta practice about 3-4 hours a day, and I got driving lessons and I gotta work :P
Thanks a whole lot for the awesome review man! :D :D

P.S. The epic chords in the end were actually inspired by 'departure to the frontlines', a soundtrack from naruto :P
So you were actually thinking in the right direction xD

I'm flattered :D

Dude this song made me smile. I like how lazy it feels, and all the different melodies. It's really creative :D

The hit at 0:16 didn't really match the vibe of the song. Sounded like a dubstep drop, and it turns into a trance bassline. Also try EQing all the portions of your mix. The main leads need some more high end frequencies, and the bass could use a cut in the mids :P And look into kick compression/sidechaining. It really helps bring out the kick drum.

Keep at it broski :P

TimerClock14 responds:

Yeah, I'm not happy with how the bass line turned out. It takes over all the other sounds and just doesn't sound good. :\

But thanks much for the review! :D


:53 was the shit. I think it would also be a good point to introduce a new melody.

Great job at making your own synth, I think presets kill the amount of creativity you can have in a song, I never use em :D

But I agree with the guy below; It's loud, and eating up everything else. The kick drum is barely audible. Try using an EQ to cut out some frequencies in the synth to leave some room in the mix for everything else

On a side note, there are alot of cool staticy effects too, awesome work with those :D

TimerClock14 responds:

Thanks! Yeah, I'm really proud of this synth. It worked itself so well into the song. ^^

Yeah, I realized after reading the review from the guy below that I had actually set the master volume for this one to 100% rather than 80%. To this day I still don't know why...

Staticy effects? I don't remember putting any of those in lol.

I make music and stuff.

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