Alright. Which first, Good news or bad news?
Lets do good.
So a few of you have noticed i've been gone for a while. My laptop was broken, so I had to send it in to get repaired. It took 'em almost 3 months to actually get the thing back to me, but I got it. Woo. Awesome right?
They replaced my hard drive, and I paid them a chunk of change to back up all my files on a flash drive, because due to the state of my computer, I couldn't back them up myself. They did, but not the files I needed, or even asked for. So now i'm left with none of my old project files, samples, mp3s, or anything. It's all gone.
So it really sucks, but none of my unfinished songs are going to be finished. Ever. Unless I start them over from scratch, but I can promise you they wouldn't be the same song anymore by the end. However i'm looking at this optimistically as a chance to start over fresh. No unfinished projects looming over my head, and no crutch samples and settings to rely on. I'm gonna start new, and hopefully take my music into whatever direction it needs to go.
Thanks for all your support guys. More tunes as soon as i've got the ball rolling again.
- Orange.